Thursday, October 15, 2015


Sowe have had an awesome two weeks in first grade. We have spent two entire weeks on APPLES! We learned all about apple life cycles, apple parts, apple history, and so on. If it's apples, we got it. I mainly used two resources this week:


These are two really awesome resources because they have everything you could possibly need! We read book after book about apples, made books, wrote books, wrote about which apples we like, and so on! It was such a fun week and made me really look forward to our week about bats!
We also got to make apple sauce, test wether apples sink or float (this may have included bobbing for apples!), and taste tested apple sauce, apple cider, and apple pie. SO. MUCH. FUN. Now, I am teacher tired after this week!
Check out some of my little cuties doing their thing!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Web 2.0 Tools

Hi! Today I wanted to feature TWO new-ish web 2.0 educational tools! I created a Prezi about these two tools, and Prezi is actually one of them! You can click to view the Prezi Presentation below!

Overall, the presentation reviews the pros and cons of using Prezi and Google Classroom. There are also lesson ideas that integrate technology as well as tutorials on how to use the two tools! Comment below with how you use these tools in the classroom!